Engagement Solutions

Drive customer engagement and user acquisition and improve dramatically your KPIs.

Selfcare & Wallet Engagement

Drive customer engagement and user acquisition for your selfcare or wallet apps through the development of tailor-made campaigns supported by clever gamification mechanics. Educate and steer users to use digital channels to resolve any issue.



Increase adoption of selfcare channel

Educate and steer customers to perform certain actions within the selfcare app

Personalized channel with your customers

Increase customer acquisition and retention

Reduce call-center costs

Develop new upsell and cross-sell channels

Top-Up Engagement

Drive engagement levels of your user base and progressively change consumer behavior by using gamification mechanics, promoting higher top-up frequency and average amount.


Increase average top-up amount

Increase average top-up frequency

Personalized incentives

Increase engagement with campaign

Winback inactive clients

New upsell and cross-sell channels

Engagement Solutions Key Features

Loyalty Points & Cashback

Social networks integration

Tiers & Levels

Voucher & Referral Management

Omnichannel Communication

Mini Games & Missions

Badges & Leaderboards

Core & Third-Party Rewards

Aspirational Draws

Rest APIs

Geolocation Capabilities

A/B testing

Discounts, Promotions, Gifts Cards

Segmentation & Profiling

Real-time Reporting & Analytics

Relevant case studies

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Our portfolio is divided in two categories

Digital Services

Platforms and engagement solutions to enable the Digital Highway of our customers


Nano and Micro Credit solutions Airtime and Data lending and Alternative Payment solutions

Mission & Values

21 years of experience in developing digital platforms.


We’re global: 5 continents, 80 countries and 30 offices


Our culture rewards performance and nurtures talent.

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