Engagement Solutions
Drive customer engagement and user acquisition and improve dramatically your KPIs.
Selfcare & Wallet Engagement
Drive customer engagement and user acquisition for your selfcare or wallet apps through the development of tailor-made campaigns supported by clever gamification mechanics. Educate and steer users to use digital channels to resolve any issue.
Increase adoption of selfcare channel
Educate and steer customers to perform certain actions within the selfcare app
Personalized channel with your customers
Increase customer acquisition and retention
Reduce call-center costs
Develop new upsell and cross-sell channels
Top-Up Engagement
Drive engagement levels of your user base and progressively change consumer behavior by using gamification mechanics, promoting higher top-up frequency and average amount.
Increase average top-up amount
Increase average top-up frequency
Personalized incentives
Increase engagement with campaign
Winback inactive clients
New upsell and cross-sell channels
Engagement Solutions Key Features