
Our credit scoring platform enables mobile operators to lend money, advance credit or data to users in need.

Credit Services

Nano credit and micro credit has exploded in the last 5 years, specially on emergent markets and assuming different forms and areas of application.

Credit values involved are very small which requires a different approach than traditional credit scoring, which most time is non real time, expensive and too heavy and processual. Nano/Micro credit requires light and fast processes, cheaper and with reduced or none dependencies on external credit bureaus.

TIMWETECH has a scoring engine, fully supported on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, that evaluates risk and potential for any individual user based on his historical data and behaviour within the scope of the service, without any dependency on external data sources.

Our credit service not only manages the risk of the credit but is also able to always give the ”best fit” offer for each user,  providing and end to end solution including scoring, orchestration, communication and marketing strategy.

TIMWETECH Credit Service is applicable to data, airtime, utilities and cash credits across a multitude of pre paid services and wallets with vast experience deploying solutions across several countries and continents.

Payment Solutions

A market tailor-made payments strategy is one of the most critical factors to ensure a successful and profitable business case nowadays.

With companies going Globally, the need to have and find the right payment method in each country that not only provide higher conversion rates but also has a relevant market penetration is crucial.

Payment’s ecosystem is evolving at an extremely high pace with new solutions every day and emerging markets have intensify the adoption of Alternative Payment Methods over traditional banking solutions.

TIMWETECH’s Payment Orchestrator allows Digital and Physical Merchants from all over the world expand and/or monetize their services within countries that are still with an untapped potential.

Through our proprietary platform, TIMWETECH can provide access to Direct Carrier Billing, E-wallets, Cash Payments, and local debit cards with one single and simple API.

Besides our technology, TIMWETECH’s global footprint, with 30 offices and presence in more than 80 countries, allow us to offer an end-to-end service that goes from remittance optimization, tax handling, local marketing support, revenue share negotiation with local entities, among others.

Settlement & Reconciliation Automation

Telecom Operators worldwide are facing important challenges for the future, with core revenues in threat with the rising of unlimited and flat rate plans.

In order to sustain and grow their revenues, Telecom Operators are partnering with other industries, starting with the major OTTS (like Spotify, Netflix, Disney Plus), but extending to other types of services, like Health and Education, Security and Domotics, Cloud Services, Insurance, Energy, among many others.

This new Digital Ecosystem brings new challenges considering its diversity and particular requirements of each partner involved. The provisioning flows and integrations, the lifecycle management and specially the business models vary a lot between partners.

Legacy Service Delivery Platforms in Mobile Operators are not prepared for these new requirements, causing opportunity and revenue losses, delays, and huge dependency on internal IT pipelines.

TIMWETECH’s Digital Service Delivery Platform was created in 2010 and evolved over the years to address the new Digital Ecosystem, with proven results in more than 30 Mobile Operators worldwide, majority of them since 2020 where TWT SDP replaced legacy SDP platforms in the leading operators in LATAM, APAC and MEAST.

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Our portfolio is divided in two categories

Digital Services

Platforms and engagement solutions to enable the Digital Highway of our customers


Nano and Micro Credit solutions Airtime and Data lending and Alternative Payment solutions

Mission & Values

21 years of experience in developing digital platforms.


We’re global: 5 continents, 80 countries and 30 offices


Our culture rewards performance and nurtures talent.

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