Credit Score - it's your best friend


Instantly evaluate your customer’s credit worthiness using only their phone numbers. This enables lending to underbanked consumers, real-time underwriting, minimizing credit and fraud risks and personalized product offerings to maximize profitability and market share.

TIMWETECH’s credit insight is the most accurate alternative credit scoring in the world, providing powerful real-time insights at the time of customer onboarding, when little other data is available.

  • Save 50% credit losses
  • Quickly & confindently underwrite new-to-credit borrowers
  • Offer competitive products with risk-based pricing
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Our portfolio is divided in two categories

Digital Services

Platforms and engagement solutions to enable the Digital Highway of our customers


Nano and Micro Credit solutions Airtime and Data lending and Alternative Payment solutions

Mission & Values

21 years of experience in developing digital platforms.


We’re global: 5 continents, 80 countries and 30 offices


Our culture rewards performance and nurtures talent.

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